Prasat Muang Tam  

Posted by Pocketeer in ,

Prasat Muang Tam
It is just 8 km away from Prasat Phanom Rung, by a concrete road through paddy fields.

The temple is surrounded by a community called Ban Cho-ra-ke Mak. In front of the car park there is a small shop cum museum displaying books and photos of Khmer architecture. The entrance gate opposite the museum charges entrance fees (10 Baht for Thai and 30 Baht for a foreigner).

There are local houses, a Thai temple and a school nearby the Khmer sanctuary.

In the low tourist season the site looks solitary and magical. The complex is surrounded by two walls. The inner wall is made of sandstone while the outer one is made of laterite. Sandstone archways at opposite points perforate the perimeter on all four sides. The lintel, pediment, and side columns of each archway are carved into scenes from Hindu myth.

There are four L-shaped ponds located between the outer and inner walls. At the center of the compound there are 5 Chedis all made of brick and built on a single laterite foundation.


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