Travel Prague Castle ,Part 6  

Posted by Pocketeer in ,

In 1333, the Holy Roman Emperor Charles IV stated, "We found this kingdom so devastated that we did not have a single castle that would not be pledged with all Royal Estate, so that we had no where to dwell but in the burghers' houses like other burghers. Prague Castle was so devastated, demolished and broken that since the time of King Otakar II it has fallen to the ground. On that site we had a big and beautiful palace built at great cost as can be perceived today by passers by." Charles IV, Autobiography (Vita Caroli)

During the 14th century, under Emperor Charles, Prague Castle under went it's maximum development. Mathieu d'Arras, a French architect, and Peter Parler, a German builder, started reconstruction in a mature Gothic style. The golden castle roofs date form this period, and were built as a symbol of wealth, power and fame of the Czech Kingdom.


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