Travel Prague Castle,Part 9  

Posted by Pocketeer in ,

prague castleBeautiful gardens surround the Castle. One of the prettiest is where you will find the singing fountain which is in the middle of the Royal Garden next to the Royal Gazebo. The Gazebo is a beautiful example of Italian Renaissance. The Royal Garden was designed in c.1500 as an Italian garden, over time plants and trees exotic to the area were planted. Cedar and Fig trees thrive and also tulips have grown here since 1554, when the Turkish Ambassador brought them to the Castle. Red, white and yellow tulips bloomed in the Castle's Royale Garden for the first time anywhere in Europe, long before spreading across the European continent, in particular Holland.

Only after the Hussite wars did new construction begin on the Castle; King Vladislav built the Festive Hall in a beautiful Gothic sytle. Now called Vladislav Hall, it is one to the most visited rooms in the old Castle.

In 1509 "At the cost of King Vladislav a big bell was cast for St. Wenceslas' in Prague Castle, weighing 200 hundredweights, on Wednesday before St. Lawrence (August 8th) in the New Town of Prague... And then it was brought to Prague Castle at great cost; because of its great size they broke several cart wheels and subsequently they brought it on a low cart with rollers, and before that arrived to the Castle with it they had to spend five nights in the street. And in the Castle, near the big tower, they had to break a piece of wall between the gates, because they could not pass through the gate for its size". (From ancient Bohemian annals)


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